Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Self Directed Project #1

Description: I did light graffiti for my project. I got my parents to take a flash light and draw things while taking a picture. You have to change the settings of the camera to a slow shutter speed, ISO of 100 and your aperture to a low number, mine was at 3.5  to allow more light in.


  1. • The description makes sense.
    • The photos match the description.
    • I like the photos. One thing that could be fixed is taking the picture in a different spot so there isn’t that little bit of the sky in the top left corner but it’s not too distracting.
    • My favorite photo is the third one. Outlining the person was a good idea and it turned out well
    • My least favorite is the first one because it’s a little confusing about what the light is supposed to draw out and you can see some other things in the foreground.

  2. Taylor,
    Good work on these. I like how you used multiple lights and also tried to make some shapes with the lights. I would have liked to have seen some experimentation such as adding depth (foreground, background) to the images and maybe trying some different light sources. 44/50
